Saturday, June 12, 2010

Quiana's Birthday - Finally!

I'm having one of those "I feel like a terrible MOM moments." Quiana did have a wonderful birthday - but I have almost no pictures. It may have something to do with the being 37 weeks pregnant & having 25 people (11 kids under 6) at the house that night. But . . . this is what I have to show - she did indeed turn "5" and is definitely acting it already!

Birthday Morning! She got Betty Lou back from the Baby Dr. (grandma) as well as some new outfits for her.

All dressed up for Birthday Lunch with Daddy

The only picture from the party . . .


Elissa & Logan said...

what a fun day to turn 5, Quiana! :)
we're thinking of you Ellen!! good luck these last few weeks..sure wish we were nearby to cook a bit for you! Love you all!

Angie Stanley said...

Thank you for sharing the pictures. They are so fun and it is nice to keep up with the kids as they grow. I think you get a pass since you are about to have a new baby. I cannot wait to hear your news! Take Care!

Laura Barnes said...

Wait for 18! Eeegads!