Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quiana's thoughts on the Election 2008

This morning the news was on and apparently they were talking about Obama.

Quiana: "Mom, they just said OBAMA!"

Ellen: "Oh, honey, I'm sure they did, but we don't really like Obama that much."

Quiana: "Why?"

Ellen: "Well, he wants to be our next president and we would rather have McCain as President."

Quiana: "Umm, I think we should just have Jay Cutler instead!"

For those of you who don't know, Jay Cutler is the Quarterback for the Denver Broncos. Should football really rule that much? I guess what she was trying to say is that no matter what . . . GO BRONCOS!


Elaine said...

Too Funny!!! Can't wait to see you Friday.

Anonymous said...

We should let Quiana vote!

And, we had 12.8" of snow on Sunday! Thankfully most of it is melting, but WOW!