Friday, October 3, 2008


Quiana LOVES shoes - we went on a little shopping trip Tuesday and came home with 3 pairs - her favorite pair is pictured above. She is so disappointed with my collection, she goes through them and asks "Mommy, why don't you have shoes like Lynae's?" Well, there are lots of reasons
1. I have never really been a shoe person (I like shoes but I guess I just can't justify having one pair for every outfit)
2. I have kids and I know I can't carry & chase them in many of the shoes that are so fashionable (I know some of you Mommy's can & I'm jealous)
3. My husband thinks my shoe collection is already bad enough ;-)

However, I did notice that last night during the V.P. debate - Sarah Palin had on a pair of RED HIGH HEELS with her otherwise conservative black outfit. I was impressed and am now wondering. . . Do red high heels really make you feel more powerful & confident?

So I took a look at my collection - I have 19 pairs and that includes flip flops and winter boots. I was actually surprised at the number since I know that compared to many of you ladies out there, that doesn't come close. The sad thing . . . there isn't one pair of red high heels.

Hope all you ladies out there have a great weekend! Maybe I'll have to get Quiana to help me make a shoe purchase. In the meantime, I'm curious as to who of all my blog readers has the most shoes, lets see if we can find out.


Anonymous said...

i love shoes too but never seem to buy the right kind! hee hee i will get back to you on the exact number of them i have tossed in the corners... "=P

Carmen said...

Well I don't know how many I have since I am not home. I do know that I don't own a pair of red high heels. I also know that when I pack shoes my husband doesn't understand why it takes so many pairs just to get through a weekend. ;) I love the picture of Quiana.

Elaine said...

I am ashamed....very to admit I was in the 25-35 range... especially since I just gave away about 20 pair of my shoes. At least I made it before the 35 mark...barely. UNFORTUNATLY I am a shoe girl. Just bought a silver sparkly pair today. WHAT? WHY??
Quiana, I love love your shoes. If they came in my size I would get those.

The Parsons Family said...

Quiana, you are one "stylin" little girl!!! I love the picture. Sorry, I'm not going to count my shoes. But I do like shoes and I do have quite a few. I currently do not have any red high heels - but did at one time - maybe in my younger days!!!
Aunt Elaine

Anonymous said...

Okay...I had to leave a comment on this one. I too love shoes. I counted them in my head, since I'm here at work, and have to say I have more than 35, but I'm not positive how many more. And yes, I have a pair of red high heels. My most recent purchase is purple patent high heels.

Paige's Parents said...

I am not at home to count my shoes, so I will count later. I have waaaaaayyy too many pairs and most of them I never wear, but I can't get rid of them because the day will come when I wish I still had them; I know that from experience. I had this pair of shoes that I bought in High School and wore them quite often, and then I got rid of them, and I still wish I had them sometimes :(
No red high heels. But I do have some funky ones. WE LOVE shoes!!!! Even my husband does so he is in full support as long as he gets new ones too.